Sierra Leone – APN Settings

Sierra Leone – APN SettingsSee the Sierra Leone APN settings here. There are two mobile phone service providers in Sierra Leone. These are Africell as well as IZI Mobil. Their respective APN and MMS settings have been added below for easy reference.

Sierra Leone APN settings

There are also settings for the most commonly used phones on the market today. Note the African USSD code as well as the Econet APN Settings on here. There are the settings for the Windows 8 operating system on your Windows phone as well as the procedures for the settings on your Android mobile phone and also your iPhone.
As stated that they are easy to setup however should you not understand this then calling your nearest mobile phone service centre in Sierra Leone for MMS and APN settings assistance will be needed. Lastly also see the Airtel Zambia APN settings and MTN South Africa APN settings on here.
Note that should these settings not work then you will need to call them and ask them for assistance with the MMS and APN settings for their mobile phone network in Sierra Leone. Lastly see also the African APN.
iPhone APN and Data Settings
1. Select Settings on the phone.
2. Now select General to continue.
3. You must select Network or Cellular.
4. - Select Cellular Data Network to start the process
5. Dont forget to save after the Data and MMS settings.
Android APN and Data Settings
1. Select Main
2. Now select Settings to continue.
3. You must select Network or Cellular.
4. Select Mobile Networks to start the process.
5. Delete all APN's in this section.
6. Press Menu now.
7. Press New APN.
8. Enter the General Data and the MMS.

Africell APN Settings

Windows Mobile 8 APN and Data Settings
1. In the Apps list click on settings.
2. Delete all existing APN Settings in there.
3. You must "Add Internet APN" next.
4. Add in all the details below and click save.
5. Now you must "Add MMS APN" next.
6. Add in all the details below and click save.
7. The APN settings have now been added to your mobile phone.

IZI Mobil APN Settings

Izi MobilAfricell
Data Settings
Data APN Username izimobil[blank]
Data APN Passwordizimobil[blank]
MMS Settings
MMS APN[blank][blank]
MMS Username[blank][blank]
MMS Password[blank][blank]
MMS MMSC[blank][blank]
MMS Proxy[blank][blank]
MMS Maxsize[blank][blank]
MMS Profurl[blank][blank]
APN Type (Internet)default, supldefault, supl
APN Type (Messaging)mms mms
Authentication TypePAP PAP
MMS ProtocolWAP 2.0WAP 2.0
IP TypeIPv4v6IPv4v6

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