Mobile Audio content

See the mobile audio content statistics. You will see the article on music on mobile phones on this website. The topic was the statistics for how people use their mobile phone to listen to music. That article only covered MP3 and did not include other forms of audio on the mobile phones. The Spanish had been the people who use their phones the most of listening to music. When we expand the music types the statistics get even more interesting.

Mobile Audio content

Firstly in this survey they all added three types of music. Radio, Streaming Media and MP3’s on your mobile-Mobile Audio contentphone. We can also see that Nokia has always included an FM radio in their budget end phones. Many of these make the Asian market where audio on the mobile phone is still very big. We can see this is the Nokia phones on this website as well. Likewise also see the article on Mobile Phone Usage on this webiste as well as Global Smartphone Statistics.

Note that the Chinese were on the top for listening to MP3’s on their mobile phones. They even beat the Spanish in this category. The Chinese users who listen to MP3’s on their mobile phones had been 68% followed y the Spanish at 51% and the Italians at 38%. Lastly also see the Smartphone Ownership on here.

Likewise streaming audio was again the Chinese at 37% followed by the Americans at 22% and close behind them the Spanish at 18%. Listening to the radio had the Chinese at the top again with 41% of them using their phone to listen to the radio followed very close behind by the Spanish at 34% and the French, German and British at 20% each behind them. Lastly you can also see the specifications of the Nokia Asha 300 and Sony Xperia XP as well.

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